The sky is very hot, some people are the most vulnerable and how to help?

For a while now, there are only people who complain about very hot things, and if there is no electricity at night, there is no need to say anything, everyone gets up in the morning to go to work, their eyes go up, their faces are pale, they do not need to ask, they know for sure that they do not get enough sleep. . It is not a joke that such hot weather can affect our health. "Hello Doctor" will tell you who is vulnerable and how to prevent it.

Health effects of heat waves

Baby and baby:

• Dry skin, lips and mouth

Abnormal skin discoloration

• Headache

Dark circles under the eyes

Less urination and translucency

Abdominal pain and diarrhea

• Vomiting

• Feeling irritable, daydreaming

• Difficulty breathing

• Drowsiness, prolonged sleep and difficulty waking up

For babies and children, health deteriorates quickly and is difficult to notice, so when babies and children show these symptoms, parents need to take their children to the doctor immediately.

- Adults:

• Headache

• Muscle cramps

Swelling of the hands, feet and ankles

• Small red rashes appear on the skin.

• Abnormal fatigue and exhaustion.

• Discomfort

Dehydration such as extreme thirst, less urination, dry skin, pulse and shortness of breath

For adults, if symptoms occur within 2 hours, it is necessary to see a doctor.

2- High risk factors

- When there is little or no wind at all

When heat waves occur and the human body can not adapt to heat

Cities have higher temperatures than the countryside

3-Vulnerable people

Babies and children under 5 years old

- The elderly

- Living alone

Have a chronic illness or mental health problem

- Using drugs or drinking alcohol

- Work under the sun for a long time

- Work in front of the fire

- No heat sink or air conditioner

4-How to prevent the effects of heat waves

Baby and baby:

Keep hydrated by drinking a glass of water every 20 minutes and breastfeeding your baby often.

Wipe your body with a cool towel several times a day.

Protect from heat, such as light clothing, hats, do not leave children alone in the room or car.

Levels of heat effects, such as exposure levels and physical activity levels for children.

- Adults:

Keep hydrated by drinking 6-8 glasses of water / day. If necessary, follow the doctor's instructions for the amount of fluid that should be replenished in the body.

Avoid alcohol because alcohol causes more dehydration.

Take a cool shower every day.

Spend 2 hours / day in an air-conditioned room or other cool place.

Protects the body from heat, such as workload, physical exertion and light clothing.

Monitor monitoring information and warnings of overheating on a regular basis.

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