Bubble or bloody urine can be a sign of kidney damage, we should be careful

Most cases of kidney disease are not detected in time because there are no obvious signs or symptoms. According to experts, the symptoms of kidney disease can be misdiagnosed as caused by another disease. In addition, most patients do not show symptoms until the acute stage. Therefore, finding out more about some of the symptoms that indicate that we have kidney problems is important.

Here are eight common signs that you may have kidney disease:

1. Fatigue

Severe kidney failure can lead to the accumulation of toxins or other contaminants in the blood, and as a result, kidney patients may experience fatigue, weakness, and difficulty concentrating.

2. Difficulty sleeping

When the kidneys do not filter the blood properly, toxins in the body cannot be excreted in the urine, making it difficult for us to sleep on a regular basis.

3. Dry and itchy skin

When the kidneys are unable to maintain a balance of minerals and nutrients in the blood, severe kidney disease can be accompanied by osteoporosis, which results in dry and itchy skin.

4. Frequent urination

Meanwhile, one of the most common symptoms of kidney disease is urinary incontinence. When we have frequent urination, especially at night, we should go to check for kidney disease is better.

5. Bloody urine

Blood cells are normally stored in the body when the kidneys are healthy and filter waste products from the blood into the urine. But when the kidneys are damaged, blood cells may leak into the urine.

6. Bubble urine

At the same time, if our urine has bubbles, it may also indicate signs of kidney damage or kidney disease.

7. Swelling of the feet and ankles

As a result of salivation, which occurs due to poor function, our kidneys, feet and ankles may swell. Swelling of the lower extremities can also be a sign of liver disease, heart disease or chronic venous thrombosis.

8. Loss of appetite

Similarly, decreased appetite is also a warning sign of kidney disease. The reason why patients have this symptom is due to the accumulation of toxins when our kidney function is weak.

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