Diabetes! These foods are very good for health

We, the children without diabetes, do not understand our parents, but "Hello Doctor" understands, especially eating. Want to eat anything, not afraid of this, afraid of that, touch this, touch that, difficult almost all the time. But tell him to stop worrying about falling in love with Dad and Mom, we try to recommend trying these special foods that are very rich in vitamins, making their health even better.


Beans contain many nutrients such as fiber, sugar, complex carbohydrates and protein, minerals, magnesium and potassium. According to a health article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, beans can help lower blood sugar, which is good for parents with type 2 diabetes.

2- Sugar-free vegetables

Sugar-free vegetables, such as green leafy vegetables, peppercorns, etc., are a low-carb, low-carbohydrate food that helps diabetics lose weight fast because they are high in fiber, increase vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (chemicals that fight disease), thus helping to lose weight and maintain good blood sugar levels. Mom and Dad can eat this kind of food for fun, eat as much as you like and can also make delicious food.

3- Sour fruits

Sour fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and oranges are high in fiber, eat both meat to get enough fiber and can reduce the risk of diabetes.

4- Berries

Strawberries and blueberries are good sources of natural sugars and fiber when mixed with yogurt or smoothies.


Can be eaten raw or ground into a paste and made into a sauce. No matter what you eat, you still get the same vitamins A, C, E and iron. Tomatoes can reduce the risk of cancer, especially prostate cancer (for men) and heart disease.

6- Fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon and other fish reduce the risk of heart disease, especially cardiovascular disease caused by diabetes. Cold-water fish are rich in vitamin D and selenium, good for hair, skin and nails, sugar-free, can maintain good blood sugar balance. But if you eat too much fat, it is not good, so you should eat a lot of fish, enough fish oil.

7- Wheat

High in fiber and low in sugar, carbohydrates, so if you want to reduce sugar, wheat may be the most suitable food. Some wheat contains good nutrients such as magnesium, chromium, potassium and vitamin B9 (folate).


Like fish oil, whole grains provide healthy fats and reduce cravings, rich in minerals, magnesium and fiber. Walnuts and flaxseeds rich in omega-3 fatty acids can be eaten several times a day without raising blood sugar levels.

9-skim milk products

Dairy products rich in vitamin D and calcium help strengthen bones and teeth, reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 9%. But you or your parents who are facing diabetes should eat skim milk and yogurt.

These are all good foods that can help control blood sugar well, while the price has many options, easy to find in stores and markets.

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