How to choose a mattress to prevent back pain

Choosing the wrong type of mattress can make us sleep unsatisfied, wake up, have low back pain. If you have this problem, listen to the explanation below:

1. Mattress standards are not for everyone

Dr. Steven H. Feinsilver, director of the Center for Sleep Health Studies at Lenox Hill Hospital in the United States, said: For example, if we like to sleep on a firm mattress or a moderate level and feel no back pain, we can choose for ourselves.

This is because a 2011 study tested volunteers on different types of mattresses, with results showing that they had their own preferences, depending on how comfortable they were.

2. Mattress type and level of back pain

Dr. Kevin M. Cerrone, director of rehabilitation at NorthWell Huntington Hospital in the United States, said that choosing a mattress is a headache, but remember to choose a mattress that is not too hard and not too soft.

Based on the study, it really shows what the doctor said. This type of mattress (not soft, not hard) really helps prevent back pain and low back pain.

In particular, a study from Canada conducted in 2014, intermediate type mattress (not hard, not soft) actually helped reduce back and neck pain, and most hard mattresses are a factor in causing back pain and A.

3-Technician to choose a mattress to fit yourself

Dr. Kevin M. Cerrone also shares three tips for choosing the right mattress to use:

Mattresses do not cause hot and humid: In general, sticky mattresses cause hot and humid, which causes the same sleep disturbance, especially if the atmosphere in our room is hot. Therefore, choosing a good soft mattress is not too thick can help us sleep better.

Follow your own sleeping habits: If you sleep well, you should choose a mattress that has good firmness and weight, we do this to facilitate breathing during our sleep as well. But if we have a habit of sleeping quietly, choose a soft mattress is the best choice.

Test the mattress as much as possible: If you decide to buy a mattress, try to ask the seller as much as possible to check the mattress for a long time, read the instructions and information about the product, if there are options to exchange better, so be sure to check the type The texture of the mattress is elaborate.

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