Give birth and be born before hair loss? This may be due to a hormonal imbalance

After childbirth, estrogen and progesterone levels drop dramatically, leading to symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings and irritability. These symptoms can make it difficult for women to take care of themselves as well as their newborns. Therefore, mothers should understand the symptoms of changes in hormone levels and find appropriate solutions.

Symptoms of postpartum hormonal imbalance

• Extreme fatigue

• Lose weight

• Mood swings and anxiety

• Insomnia

• Hair loss

• Depression

• Hot meat

• Decreased libido


• Dry skin

• Constipation

• Irregular seasons

• Vaginal dryness

Tips for tackling postpartum hormonal imbalances

To help balance hormone levels, moms can try the following simple steps.

Exercise by walking to reduce stress and help balance hormones.

Eat foods rich in fiber, such as avocados, dried fruits, cauliflower.

• Practice yoga

Avoid high-fat foods, but replace them with omega-3 fatty acids.

Avoid birth control pills immediately after giving birth because they can cause hormonal imbalances or trigger mood swings.

Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

• Eat liver

Eat egg yolks

Get enough sleep.

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