Should know! Three types of meat we eat daily are rich in iron

What are iron-rich meats? Meat is a rich source of protein that our body needs for proper functioning. Meat is also a good source of iron, including three types of meat that are easy to find, not only high in iron, but also rich in protein and vitamins.

Our body needs iron to produce red blood cells every day and to carry oxygen to nourish all the tissues in the body. We can get enough iron by eating iron-rich foods, and below are iron-rich meats that are easy to find.

1. Beef

Although beef is a bit expensive, it tastes delicious, and popular beef dishes include beef jerky, beef dumplings, kale, beef stew, and beef jerky. One gram of beef contains 1.9 mg of iron, 1.7 g of protein, 2.1 micrograms of vitamin B12, 4.2 mg of zinc and 270 mg of potassium.

2. Pork

Pork is the most popular meat because it is affordable and can be processed into many dishes. The most popular pork dishes are rice, pork, boiled pork, pork legs and pork chops. Each 100 grams of pork contains 0.9 mg of iron, 16.9 grams of protein, 0.7 micrograms of vitamin B12, 2.2 milligrams of zinc and 287 milligrams of potassium.

3. Chicken

Chicken is the white meat and our favorite bird to eat. Popular chicken dishes include ginger, grilled chicken, grilled chicken, pickled chicken and grilled chicken. 100 grams of chicken contains 0.8 mg of iron, 17.4 grams of protein, 0.6 micrograms of vitamin B12, 1.5 mg of zinc and 522 mg of potassium.

All three types of meat are not only rich in iron, but also high in protein, vitamin B12, zinc and potassium. Protein strengthens muscles and builds muscle mass, while vitamin B12 helps the nervous system to function properly, provides energy to the body, reduces fatigue and fatigue because it helps to convert food into energy.

In addition, zinc helps keep skin, hair and nails healthy and promotes reproductive health. In addition, potassium helps heart health, control blood pressure and reduce the risk of kidney stones. Although the first three meats are rich in iron and vitamins, we should limit our intake and should eat them with other vegetables, not just whole meats.

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