Having gastritis should leave out these two foods

The stomach plays an important role in the digestion process, and when the stomach has problems such as inflammation or erosion of the protective lining, the entire digestive system loses one important function and can even affect other organs if we do not protect and treat it. Well, right. Therefore, to prevent gastritis from progressing to a more serious condition, we need to avoid the following types of foods:

Spicy foods: For people with gastritis or thin protective layer of the stomach, eating spicy foods will seriously affect the stomach. It will cause symptoms such as heartburn and stomach upset. Cut down on spicy foods if you know you have a stomach problem.

Acidic foods: Highly acidic foods should not be eaten as it makes the stomach more prone to inflammation and the protective layer is thinner. Acidic foods such as tomatoes, pineapple and canned foods.

Sweet drinks: Sweet canned drinks should also be reduced as it also increases stomach acid. Similarly, alcohol consumption should be reduced as well.

Fatty foods: Fatty foods should be avoided, such as fried foods, it makes patients have a lot of irritating food, similar to eating spicy food.

Causes of gastritis

Gastric or peptic ulcer: It is one of the most common gastric ulcers.

• Smoking

• Drinking a lot of alcohol

• Use of anti-inflammatory drugs

• Stress

• Have undergone surgery

• Immune system

Frequent food allergies

When should you see a doctor?

When some suspicious symptoms occur frequently, you need to see a doctor for proper advice and treatment while it is still in its infancy. These symptoms include:

Frequent heartburn

Symptoms occur between 1 and 2 weeks

• Used a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs

There is blood in the stool.

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