High blood pressure can cause fatigue symptoms?

Fatigue can be caused by many things, including insufficient sleep, lack of vitamins or weak red blood cells can also cause fatigue. But in another case, fatigue is also caused by high blood pressure. High blood pressure makes us more prone to fatigue and drowsiness.

The reason is that when blood pressure rises, the heart begins to work harder to pump enough oxygen to the brain and other organs, thus making it easier for us to become fatigued. Not only that, high blood pressure also has other side effects such as runny nose, headache, chest pain, dizziness, heartburn, heart palpitations and shortness of breath.

Whether or not blood pressure rises, there is a link between the heart and the brain, so a drop in blood pressure can be just as exhausting.

"Some cases of low blood pressure do not cause any significant symptoms, but most cases also show signs of fatigue and weakness, because when the blood pressure drops, the brain does not receive enough blood, making us feel tired," said Dr. Luke Laffin of Clevelandclinic.

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