Injuries to the body can cause acute stomach ulcers

Curling’s ulcer is a type of acute stomach ulcer caused by a complex feeling at any time when the body has a serious injury, especially the type of injury caused by inflammation and heat. When the body is inflamed, the plasma level in the blood decreases, causing the cells of the gastric mucosa to erode, causing ulcers, the main symptoms of peptic ulcer disease.

Curling’s ulcer most often occurs in the upper and lower parts of the stomach (adjacent to the small intestine). The ulcer does not show any noticeable symptoms in the early stages, but in the stage where it develops into severe bleeding, there will be symptoms such as fatigue, vomiting, in some cases vomiting, bloody stools, anemia, black stools with blood and heartburn.

Serious complications of peptic ulcer

If the ulcer is asymptomatic and not treated properly, it will develop into a deeper sac and lead to gastric rupture. This case may have less than 2% chance, but we also need to prevent because it can be dangerous.

Factors that cause stomach ulcers

Curling’s ulcer is an internal ulcer, but it involves the outside of the body as well as the senses. The main cause of this ulcer is due to low platelet levels when the body is severely injured by inflammation.

Platelets are responsible for healing wounds on the body, no matter how small or large. In the event that the body is severely injured, especially burns caused by exposure to heat, the amount of platelets will be reduced, plus the injured person has more complex emotional problems, which can easily cause stomach ulcers.


Acute gastritis Curling’s ulcer For diagnosis, the doctor will examine the wound on the body and some other symptoms. In case the symptoms indicate a curling ulcer, the doctor decides to use an endoscopy to diagnose the development of the ulcer.


Treatment: Medications can be used to reduce the amount of gastric acid secretion, which is an effective method combined with diet control. That is, patients must fast on foods that are sour, spicy, fatty and spicy foods, especially solid foods.

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